The day started well. I re-traced the same route as yesterday. It took about 2 hours to re-trace one part of the run, but at the end I had increase my cash balance from 845,718 to 1,757,491.
I started the second part and had filled 50 of my 56 cargo hold when I had to re-trace part of the route to fill the remaining capacity. It was at this stage when I hit two problems. The first was when I docked at Altair. It wasn't possible to refuel. I therefore went to the next leg, George Pantazis. It was here that the real problem started - the server kept on going down, claiming either a connection error or an unrecoverable error. In either case, it dumped me back to the start menu for me to try again. After about 6 attempts, I gave up. I suspect that my ship is floating in deep space until I am able to connect again, sometime tomorrow.
However, a haul of about 900k in one leg isn't too bad.
I have been looking at what ship I should get next. If I am going to explore the galaxy, the Asp_Explorer would be my choice. However at 6.6M, plus extras, it will take a little time before I can afford it. I will be exploring different options using this excellent tool: ed ship yard
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